Frequently Asked Question

What is my "computer name" or "computer number"? How do I find it?
Last Updated 4 years ago

Lincoln University keeps track of computers and other assets using ID numbers. You can find this number by locating the white tag on the device reading "LINCOLN UNIVERSITY".

Image of a Dell laptop with a white tag reading LINCOLN UNIVERSITY on it
A tag on a laptop

Image of a Dell desktop tower with a white tag reading LINCOLN UNIVERSITYon it
A tag on a desktop

And remember: If you have a monitor/display attached to a desktop or laptop, the tag on the monitor is not your computer number!!!

Image of the top of a Dell computer monitor, with a white tag reading LINCOLN UNIVERSITY on it
This is your monitor, not your computer!

If you want the actual computer name that we in ITS use, or maybe you aren't sure which tag is the correct one to provide, you will need to find it by navigating to it on the computer itself.

Find the Computer Name on Windows

There are two easy ways to find your computer name on Windows:

  • Minimize or close all your windows and look on your desktop background! The computer name can be found in the top right hand corner of the background, next to the word Host.
    Image of a Dell laptop screen showing BGInfo metadata on the desktop background
    All Windows computers on our network should have this background
  • If you don't see the above information on your desktop background, open your Start menu and type in sysdm.cpl. The Full computer name should pop up in a window.
    Screenshot of the Start Menu and System Properties window (sysdm.cpl) on Windows 10

Find the computer name on macOS

Apple already provides a great tutorial on how to find this information here.

How are computer names made?

The computer name is is derived from the computer's number and the location it's installed in. If the computer is not fixed (e.g. laptops, tablets) we may give the device a name based on where the department that owns it is located. The prefixes we use are the same abbreviations used elsewhere. Here is a list.

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