Frequently Asked Question

How do I use DocuSign at Lincoln?
Last Updated 2 years ago

Lincoln University DocuSign eSignature Tutorial

This article is intended to show users how to start using DocuSign to complete templates of Lincoln University forms.  The example shown in this article is a 'New Hire PTR', but this process can apply to any template at Lincoln. Users that prefer a video can watch a demonstration of this process here.  Human Resources has also developed some instructions for completing at PTR form which can be found here.

  1. Login to DocuSign from the Blue Tiger Portal

Click the DocuSign link on the Faculty & Staff Quick Links card.


You should be automatically signed in to DocuSign since it is set up with Single Sign On. However, if you are asked to login, you will do so with your Lincoln email address and regular Lincoln password.

2. Click ‘Start’ in the yellow box near the center of the screen.


3. A drop window will appear. Click ‘Use a Template.’


If your start screen does not look like the one depicted above, your access may need to be adjusted. Please submit a Helpdesk ticket by emailing and accessing for additional access in DocuSign.

4. Select ‘Shared with Me’ and then select the form you want to complete.


If you don't see the form you need, your access may need to be adjusted. Please submit a Helpdesk ticket by emailing and accessing for additional access in DocuSign.

5. Click ‘Add Selected’ after selecting your form.


6. Add Recipients by Entering a Name and Email Address


7. Delete any unnecessary recipients using the trashcan icon.


8. Acknowledge the message that appears after pressing the trashcan icon by pressing the blue 'Delete' button.


9. Enter a message the recipients will receive when they receive the envelope.


Users can check the box for ‘Custom email and language for each recipient.’ This allows users to customize the message each recipient receives, but it requires a message to be entered for each recipient.

10. Click ‘Next’ at the bottom right to begin completing your chosen form.


11. Complete your form just like any other electronic form.


12. Once you have completed your, click 'Send.'


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